SkiGo is a very famous wax company from Sweden. Some years ago the company from Kiruna was only known in the worldcup of xc-skiing. Now SkiGo is one of the most popular wax brands for nordic-skis. They have no big marketing department that’s why the Swedish products are very cheap with high quality. For example the waxes are not only focused on snow temperature but snow types, too. That’s why it’s easier to choose the right wax if you use SkiGo products. SkiGo waxes are very fast and they have a high durability.
Besides wax SkiGo offers a lot more products for xc-skiing and roller-skiing: For less than 100€ you can get a high quality nordic-pole made out of 100% carbon. You can use the SkiGo poles in winter for xc-skiing and in summer for roller-skiing and nordic-skating. Added to the low price poles SkiGo offers a high class rollerski with its carbon series. Low weight, high quality and and low price determines the rollerskis from SkiGo.
Vasaloppet winners like Jörgen Brink trusts since a few years in SkiGo products in summer and winter. SkiGo is supporter and supplier of the national ski-teams from Sweden, Norway and North-America. That helps to develop and produce better nordic equipment than the rest. Not at least the owner and founder of SkiGo - Christer Maybeck – was a former xc-skier and know all about the demands of nordic-skiers in good products.
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